Tom Evens Groove Plus

i pulled the plug on a groove plus to replace my ear 834p and wanted to hear from other goners on there good or bad experiences with the groove plus, will be using a zyx airy three x sb, on a vpi aires three 10.5i, with a hovland music groove two phono interconnect, thanks mike
hi mike
i have found that at different times audio systems do sound better than at others
weekends for instance and evenings seem to yield the best sound quality
i believe that the wheels of industry [particularly computers] hash up the electrical supply
the burn in period can throw up some weird and wonderful changes
do you leave it powered up all the time?
i find that from cold it takes a good hour of passing music
before it starts to really perform and then continues to improve slowely thereafter
is your cartridge fully run in?
best of luck
sorry mike
another contributing factor that i have found that can cause
the sort of sound you describe is temperature
if like here in the uk autumn is upon us
colder temperatures affect cartridge and loudspeaker performance
i use a 150w lamp above my turntable
this seems to help quite a bit
best regards
The power quality fluctuates a lot here is the states. That can have a major influence on sound, however, nighttime is usually the best time for good power off of the grid. I am two doors from the main substation for Dallas and it can be hell. The spikes and dips are notorious. I have quit leaving my system on all the time as two of Tom's boxes have been impacted. I now have Isoclean transformers and power filters in line and am working on a new panel and a large in line transformer for the panel. It is amazing how important the quality of power has become for me. Both as a problem (power grid) and a joy (Tom's work). I have heard of the power controller that Tom and Bob have out. Bob is a real analog fan and pioneer. I bought a turntable ring clamp from him a while back. His turntable is quite a feat.

It's amazing thing with the noise floor. the more it drops, the more I am pulled into the music. It's not lava I get out of my speakers, it is almost a vacuum, leaving only the darkness of space and a strong feeling of calm. The calm thing is not something I would expect with rock and roll but it is there. The clarity of each note and the spacial quality of the music places you in the environment of a circa 1970's outdoor concert under the stars.
yes the old power supply is always a question, i have a few of the new ps audio noise harvesters spread around, also use a bpt bp2 unit for all but amps, which i use a brickwall unit, the harvesters have a light included and when flashing they are at work, there have been only a few times when they were not flashing, and its been during the day time of the work week, the night hours are the worst according to the harvesters, yes i dont turn anything off, only when we leave for a long period of time, in the new orleans area its still summer and the a/c is still cranking so as for temperature its in the low 70s in the house, the thing is its always been this way and the changes in musical presentation or not tied to that, tom recommends 72 hours for almost complete breakin as per the instruction manual, i guess i am going to have to look at some baseball and do some of g m c s 70s outdoor rock and roll tonight on the system, thanks guys and have a good one, mike
hang on in there mike
good things do come for those who wait
have you heard the linear Bs
they really are something special
after i heard the full te amp combo i found that i couldn't
listen to my own system for weeks
after plussing the groove, adding the vibe pulse
i feel i am much closer
i really cant wait to get those Bs though
they really do close the gap between being there and hifi