Celebration Cartridge w/VPI table & arm?

Anyone using the Sumiko Celebration cartridge with the JMW-9 signature arm? My table is the Superscoutmaster. I have heard this cartridge on an SME table/arm setup and liked it alot. Was wondering what results others have had with the VPI tables and arms? Thanks for any help.
Thanks for all the help. I will probably hold off for awhile, or just save the Celebration money and put it towards a dynavector upgrade cartridge when the time comes. Thanks again for the help.
Raul, I am aware that each tonearm has its own cable, but unless your phono has multiple inputs, you would have to plug/unplug these cables, no?

My phono has only one mc input, so I would have no choice but to do it that way should I get a 2nd arm.
Dear Cmk: In the past my phonolinepreamp had 5 phono inputs, so I can choose with a switch between five different cartridges but that switch degrade the quality sound reproduction and I change it for a better design phonolinepreamp and today I have to plug/unplug the cables if I want to hear more than two cartridges ( the Essential 3150 has two independent phono stages ).

Regards and enjoy the music.