My Teres 350 is on the way

It's been quite a wait (ordered in January 2006), but I got the word yesterday that my new Teres 350 is packed up and ready to ship!

It's the first 350 that Chris has produced and features a new magnetic damped platter. It's sort of a hybrid between the 340 and 360, but with some of the new technology that was developed for the Certus line of direct drive tables.

Of course, the Schroeder Reference SQ is still on order...

Can't wait to get it set up!

no arm is worth waiting.....there are only hundreds of great ones, past and present. make hay while the sun shines. anticipation is always the best part of audio for some audiophiles...go figure.
Poor customer service is never the hallmark of a successful business, no matter how good the product. Not to question Mr. Schroeder's work ethic but he is clearly a better audio engineer than business man. One would think for the price of the product he could hire a minimum wage subordinate to answer his emails.
It would be a shame if this shortcoming was the ultimate undoing of a company that - by all reports - makes an exceptional product.
I hope someday to buy one but I would never tollerate 14 months without a word from the supplier. I wish you luck Indigorose and look forward to the report on the Teres!
Have either of you heard a Schroder Reference on a Teres, Galibier, or Raven TT with a great cartridge like a UNIverse or Dynavector XV1-s and a great pre-amp ?
No, but I can only imagine it would be like heaven from the comments posted on by owners on A'gon. Are you offering invitations to hear yours? I'm in the market for a new TT / arm / cart over the next 6 mos. and the Schroeder would certainly have been on my short list but for the service concerns expressed here.

I would be happy to extend an invitation to you so you can hear a Schröder arm.

I think you may understand the supply/demand situation for the Schröder a little better after you hear and see one. While much ink has been devoted to how the Schröder sounds, not much has been written on the high level of craftsmanship that is delivered. The attention to detail that Frank puts into each and every arm he builds is really quite amazing and therefore time consuming. If I could swing it, I would hang an extra Reference on the wall as art, although that would be akin to owning a Porsche Carrera GT and not driving

Merry Christmas, Steve