VPI ScoutMaster or Project RM10

Both are in same price range, both have positive press, and both can be had within 25 mile drive from 2 dealers in the area, wich would you choose please and elaborate if you have time, thanks Chad
VPI hands down, and you did say dealer??? Make the rotten SOB's give you both with draws on you CC, then choose and keep one and take the other back.

That's part of why they get they're mark up.

If they won't do it, I suggest either mail order at a discount or find another dealer who will.

A great audio dealer is priceless, a snobby a _ _ should be outta business.

I know, I live in Detroit and get most of my gear from Indy as the local a _ _ is such a jerk. Big city like Detroit and one REAL high end dealer.

VPI Scoutmaster is a complete product, not a Project.
You can go wrong with Scoutmaster.
RM10 placed itself out of it's niche.OK up till 9 but there was no reason to build "showpiece $2500 deck" when others like VPI,Acoustic Sound Final Tool,and others were trying to make bread and butter (i.e. way to keep company going) poroducts that bested it.It's like thier Icararus product and they'll get burned on it.