VPI ScoutMaster or Project RM10

Both are in same price range, both have positive press, and both can be had within 25 mile drive from 2 dealers in the area, wich would you choose please and elaborate if you have time, thanks Chad
But hey how does it sound? Are you happy with it? Sometimes it's nice to hear how the recommendations played out for you.
The table was for my father and we dont live in the same state but when I do hear it sounds great, I think the Benz cart (cant recall name but its a sub $1000 model) is a bit too laid back for me but I cant fault the table for anything other than an annoying pop when the motor is turned on and off wich a resistor could probably fix.
All in all I still like my SOTA better but its more about the suspension and Vac hold down.
I use an RM-10 with a benz Ruby 2 to great effect. Had a heavier counterweight installed as the Benz is heavy. Use a speedbox 2. Am thinking of moving the the VPI Classic 3! If I juggle the offset could be about $1,000 to $1,500. Thoughts?
Dmbaudio...the Classic 3 is a great table at a very cost effective price. Get a Benz LP-S with it (tell VPI to send you a heavier counterweight), and when you're ready to upgrade, get rid of the minifeet, and screw in Bearpaws - Vermontaudio.com