Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II

“For those who want the moon but can't afford it or those who can afford it but like to have fun and work with their hands, I'm willing to give out a recipe for a true high-end 'table which is easy to do, and fun to make as sky's the limit on design/creativity! The cost of materials, including 'table, is roughly $200 (depending, more or less), and add to that a Rega tonearm. The results are astonishing. I'll even tell/show you how to make chipboard look like marble and fool and impress all your friends. If there's interest I'll get on with this project, if not, I'll just continue making them in my basement. The next one I make will have a Corian top and have a zebra stripe pattern! Fun! Any takers?”

The Lead in “Da Thread” as posted by Johnnantais - 2-01-04

Let the saga continue. Sail on, oh ships of Lenco!

You could consider doing a smaller open baffle design with a subwoofer for bass. Somewhat smiliar to Quads, but a lot more efficient. Fostex makes great drivers or you could go vintage. There are a lot more commercial OB's than ever before and you can easily go DIY for super cheap.
Hi Helen, congratulations on discovering the Glories of the Lenco/Rega, and of course of a great MM, by all accounts. The MM vs MC debate is not over yet :-)!! Good and cheaper substitutes for the Quads are speakers with various alternative tweeters, such as ribbons (of course), and the Heil Air Motion Tranformers, such as those in my ESS AMT4s. While I think it would be very hard to find ESS speakes in Europe, there are current speakers using these elements, including of course Heil speakers, and Elac (speaking of idlers!!). Infinity built and marketed several ribbon-tweeter speakers in Europe and there are other sources too. Of course, these are all hybrids (ribbon/AMT tweeters, cone bass drivers), but they do catch a large chunk of the planar magic (my ESS are still unsurpassed in the mid/highs, and I'm in fact looking forward to setting them up again).

As to the Lenco/Rega, after years of this thread and reported experiments and comparisons, it's not so much that the Lenco/Rega is in particular a synergy, but that indeed the better the tonearms mounted to the Lenco, the greater the results, period. This is, of course, mostly in terms of information-retrieval. The Decca is still perhaps the most PRaT-ful tonearm ever made, thought the RS Labs might give it a good run for its money. The Dynavector 507 MKII (very pricey), is also incredibly musical. The SME V/Denon DL-103 combo is EXPLOSIVE, and has supernatural PRaT, and incredible detail too. ALL tonearms so far tested have sounded incredible on the Lenco....provided, of course, the proper synergy is found. Some cartridges favour certain tonearms, and preamps and phono stages too. Even transformers and active head amps extract different things from different combos: a 'table/tonearm/cartridge combo which works in one set-up may not in the next (and vice-versa), as there are preamp and phono stage electrical issues to consider as well. And even then we're not out of the woods, as a change of speakers can change what one had previously concluded and thought settled. A great 'table/tonearm/cartridge/phono stage set-up, as I discovered when I tried the RS Labs/Denon via my FR transformer - which did not sound as good as my active step-up via every other speaker I had - sounded better with it via my Klipsch Heresies! Remember to make no ultimate judgments all, excepting of course, the Mighty Lenco and other idler wheels, which underpin all said set-ups, and reliably outperform, well, everything thrown at them so far, in every system!! I LOVE that reliability/dependability :-)!!

On the exciting news front, I just booked my ticket to Greece, and am working on a prototype of the Lenco/plinth I'll be sending to Cyprus, assuming I get that far. I'll take the steps, and hope for the best!! Of course, I'll be sending my usual Russian birch-ply/MDF recipe, continuing the Great Traditions of Accumulating Evidence and Putting my Money Where my Mouth Is. Let's put it on the line.

Let's consider what this recipe has accomplished, when applied to a Garrard 301/Dynavector 507 MKII/Denon DL-103 in a very high-end system, pitted against both a Platine Verdier/Koetsu Urushi and a Cain & Cain low-mass, two-tier plinth: "Well, got the stock i/c on the Dyna, and not all tweaked yet, and nothing sitting on stand, without isolation, and it betters the Verdier/Koetu Urishi on a special Isolation stand...I am candidly surprised. I did not expect this. I had the the Cain and Cain plinth and it did not sound good. This is way above. The 301 is incredible in your plinth. It has only the inexpensive Denon 103 R and that is not redone yet...and only a stock cable and it is better by a long ways than the Verdier on a special isolation table. Next I will try the Koetsu in the arm....and in my best phono stage and see. Damn...don’t let this get out, or it will ruin the high end." I'll post a photo under my system of the Garrard sitting next to the Platine. So there you see why I am so confident of this recipe, which has also, let us be reminded all, the fabulous EMTs, which make the rabid anti-Lenco Garrard-ers quake in their boots and drool. For reference, the Cain & Cain did not sound good in that system, compared to the Platine Verdier. This changed, however, when the Garrard had been properly restored, and built into a high-mass Russian birch-ply/MDF plinth, with no tricky separate tonearm pod. We'll know more once the Lenco sails to Cyprus (assuming it does, knock on wood).

Have fun with all your audio experiments all!
Helen, If you don't mind using up about half your space, you COULD try Quad 57s in your small room. It would be like having the best, most transparent headphones ever made.

I will be on a business trip the first part of May to UK then on to Cyprus around the May 5th-10th. I would like to meet up at srajans if possible. If that works then I have some friends of mine that I'd like to share the lenco magic personal regards
Hi Sixfigure, dammit that's the second meet-up I'll miss by a month or so, just got an e-mail this morning from an old friend who will be on one of my favourite Greek islands....exactly a month before I get there. I'll only be landing in Athens at the end of the first week of June, and don't expect to make it to Cyprus until the end of June/beginning of July. If you have reason to make it to that part of the world at that time, or at the end of July/beginning of August when I will be making a re-appearance there, then feel free to join us (of course, Srajan is the host and must be consulted).

But the Mediterranean or not, you owe it to yourself to hear a Mighty Lenco some way, somehow, just fire me an e-mail and I'll see if there's one in your part of the world. There's a regular battalion of Lenco owners forming up in the Washington D.C. area! Why? Hearing is believing, and some Giant Direct Coupled Lencos are there to hear :-). Also groups forming up in Colorado and Oregon and other scattered Lencos, and of course my own area where again, hearing is believing. Great to see you concentrating on the magic!