My ode to the great bulk degausser was its possible role in curing my Rega 300 of mistracking a year or so back. After removing the hematite slug from the Rega’s anti-skate enclosure, I exposed the entire stub end to lengthy zaps from my demagger. Because I had fiddled with a couple of other variables at the time (including readjusting the Cardas wire at the downturn), I can’t say for certain that the degausser negated some magnetic charge that this Rega might have picked up from some improper storage somewhere (next to some huge speaker magnet?). But I’m open to the possibility that it might have taken care of the problem.
A few words in remembrance of the passing of the Athena AS series speakers, a modern design “budget” speaker that dared to move air with the “Big Boys” costing four times as much. They are gone - vanished from just about every supplier. Athena Technologies, along with a two other Canadian speaker manufacturers under the API umbrella were taken over by the Klipsh Group some 15 months ago. The AS line (Audition Series) was allowed to deplete without replenishment. The “replacement” for Athena’s top-of-the line AS-F2 floorstanders is the LS-500 (LS=Lower Standards?). Here are the specs for comparison:
AS-F2: 1” Teteron dome tweeter; Dual 8" Injection Molded Polypropylene with Rubber Surround; Front-firing bass reflex port; Sensitivity @ 93dbs; Frequency Response 35Hz-20kHz. Weight 51 lbs.
LS-500: 1” aluminum dome tweeter; Dual 6 1/2" Composite Fiberglas™ Cones; Sensitivity @ 90dbs: Frequency Response 30Hz-20kHz. Weight 32 lbs.
When an old established speaker company, buys up a young upstart and eviscerates its flagship product line, it can be said to be uncompetitive, if not predatory. To be fair, I have not auditioned the new LS-500, and so I cannot lay these pejorative claims at Klipsh’s doorstep. However, the specs do raise an eyebrow, and I would encourage folks to audition Klipsh’s replacement offerings and write to the company with their views. This goes for fans of Mirage and Energy speakers as well. Canada has earned too great a reputation in speaker manufacturing to watch it begin to go asunder without comment.
- Mario
A few words in remembrance of the passing of the Athena AS series speakers, a modern design “budget” speaker that dared to move air with the “Big Boys” costing four times as much. They are gone - vanished from just about every supplier. Athena Technologies, along with a two other Canadian speaker manufacturers under the API umbrella were taken over by the Klipsh Group some 15 months ago. The AS line (Audition Series) was allowed to deplete without replenishment. The “replacement” for Athena’s top-of-the line AS-F2 floorstanders is the LS-500 (LS=Lower Standards?). Here are the specs for comparison:
AS-F2: 1” Teteron dome tweeter; Dual 8" Injection Molded Polypropylene with Rubber Surround; Front-firing bass reflex port; Sensitivity @ 93dbs; Frequency Response 35Hz-20kHz. Weight 51 lbs.
LS-500: 1” aluminum dome tweeter; Dual 6 1/2" Composite Fiberglas™ Cones; Sensitivity @ 90dbs: Frequency Response 30Hz-20kHz. Weight 32 lbs.
When an old established speaker company, buys up a young upstart and eviscerates its flagship product line, it can be said to be uncompetitive, if not predatory. To be fair, I have not auditioned the new LS-500, and so I cannot lay these pejorative claims at Klipsh’s doorstep. However, the specs do raise an eyebrow, and I would encourage folks to audition Klipsh’s replacement offerings and write to the company with their views. This goes for fans of Mirage and Energy speakers as well. Canada has earned too great a reputation in speaker manufacturing to watch it begin to go asunder without comment.
- Mario