Hi Mario
Not sure we can generalise with any of these 'stone' materials - there are many types of slate with differing qualities, the same can be said for: limestone (probably more so),sandstone, granites, marbles etc.
As concrete (I assume this is what is meant by cement) is made with OPC and an aggregate then is is also dependent on the qualities of said aggregate which could be any of the above materials or other e.g. lead shot. We might even get into the realms of Lime Concrete which would be different again.
Plus the LL experiment is only one sample, I would suggest that many more examples would need to be tested before one can state anything for certain.
I would also suggest that we need to dispose of the CLD 'blinkers' and accept that there may be other ways. I'm not even really sure what we are all doing with plinths actually is CLD in its true sense.
Not sure we can generalise with any of these 'stone' materials - there are many types of slate with differing qualities, the same can be said for: limestone (probably more so),sandstone, granites, marbles etc.
As concrete (I assume this is what is meant by cement) is made with OPC and an aggregate then is is also dependent on the qualities of said aggregate which could be any of the above materials or other e.g. lead shot. We might even get into the realms of Lime Concrete which would be different again.
Plus the LL experiment is only one sample, I would suggest that many more examples would need to be tested before one can state anything for certain.
I would also suggest that we need to dispose of the CLD 'blinkers' and accept that there may be other ways. I'm not even really sure what we are all doing with plinths actually is CLD in its true sense.