I own the (copper) TX103's (from Bent Audio). I also own an Alaap (similar to Dan_Ed's). The Alaap is clearly superior. Not a little superior, a lot.
That said, the copper TX103's are well short of the best transformer's I've heard, and Nsgarch's old Cotters are not the best either, at least not for use with a ZYX.
The internal transformers in the VAC Renaissance are *almost* as good as the MC stage in the Alaap. Of course the Renaissance sells for twice the price, so that ends the argument of those stepups being an inexpensive solution!
The transformers Frank Schroeder uses gave a prototype Alaap a run for the money, but the MC stage in the Alaap is much improved since then. Going from memory, I'd guess those trannies would not compare today. But they're probably alot less than $5-6K too. Thom Mackris knows what they are if you're interested.
At reference levels however, I agree with Nsgarch, Dan and Raul. No transformer I've heard can match today's best SS MC gain stages.