I Would suggest that you also look into the Disk Doctors Cleaning Fluids, they are manual as well as can be used with machinces. I personally use multiple processes to help clean the records, as I do have very old records most of them came from the attic of old shops and relailors.
I use the Following Steps:
1) Removing the dust, dust grains that can damage the LP surface, so a very soft brush should be used for that.
2)Than I Use the VIP 17 F with VPI stock fluid for the first time. Usually clean each side twice or as need be.
3) Use the Disk Doctor manuls process using their Cleaning fluid and that a distil water wash.
4) Than use the VIP Fluid mixed with 99% Alcohol. The ratio is 80% VPI Fluid and 20% alcohol. Use the VPI 17 F for this as well.
5) On last wash by distil water.
6) Leave the record to dry for about 30 to 45 minutes.
Than use a new Sleeve to store it.
If I use a new record, I do not do the steps 1 and 2 but the rest of the procedure I follow.
Always remember to use an anti static brush befor playing any record, this will enhance the life of your investment both Record and Stylus.
I hope this will be help ful and you will feel the difference.
Happy Listening