Denon 103R or 304?

I have been presented with an opportunity to purchase either a DL-103R or (for $30 more) a DL-304. Either will be mounted on a tweaked RB300 tonearm. I welcome all suggestions and let it be known that this will be my first MC experience.

I have done two evenings worth of research on both cartridges and according to all the data the differences between the two aren't huge. I am leaning towards the 304 however.

The Denon 103 works spectacularly well with an RB300 tonearm. There are many many such users. One of the great synergies out there.
OK. I've decided on the 304. I'm currently running a Goldring 1042 into a Parasound Zphono, a stereophile Class C recommendation and well worth the $150. The concern I have is that all the reviews out there give the MC input a big thumbs down. So, I'll be mating the 304 with my DIY tube preamp which is tube rectified and used a 6SL7 and a pair of 6SN7's. I'm off to eBay to look for a quality pair of Step-Ups to increase the gain of my preamp. The preamp was designed for a MM cartridge.

Thank you for all those who shared their input.

Can anyone give empirical comparisons of the DL-304 vs. a 103r mounted in an aluminum body with the Soundsmith $250 ruby cantilever/contact line diamond?

As you can read from the Vinyl Asylum link above, I have had my SoundSmith top tier $350.00 Modified Zu/Denon DL-103r for about 2 weeks. The sound is amazing through the Bob's Devices Signature CineMag based SUT played through a Cullen Circuits Modified PS Audio GCPH phono stage. [You can read about my reference system in the member’s profile once you get to Vinyl Asylum.]

I am a dyed in the wool Koetsu crazy, but this SoundSmith Modified Zu is a Koetsu killer.

Get one if you can! You will be amazed.

Christopher – my Vinyl Asylum pen name is “Seadog”
When both in stock form, the DL304 is a better cartridge but when the 103R is installed in an aluminium body with a heavy arm, then the 103R will become the winner.