LP -12 Felt Plater Mat

What platter mats have been tried and proven better than their standard felt mat? My only trial experience has been with a rubber mat which I did not like. If the felt mat were not seemingly prone to static build up it would be just fine.
Xagwell...I think you might be pretty safe with the Non-felt mat, but all the others (Boston I'm positive) you have to change the VTA.
I heard the Boston Audio Mat1 on a friend's LP12 & it made a big difference.

As Drjoe mentioned, it was designed using the LP12.

Read the reviews:
Funk makes the Achromat that is sold by Acoustic Sounds. The VTA will need to be adjusted to accomodate the mat which comes in 2 different thicknesses 3 or 5 mm. There has been many different discussions concerning aftermarket mats and the LP 12.
I used an LP12 for years and had excellent results with the Ringmat. Way better than the felt. It had no negatives in my system.
I just restored my LP12, and am still using the felt mat. A number of poster's are saying various alternatives are "better" than the felt mat. Can somebody describe the effects of a different mat? Is it "better" or just a different "flavor", so to speak?

Happy New Year