How important is the transport when using a DAC?


I've been thinking lately, if my transport is extreme low-end, is having a nice DAC a waste of time? In other words, if I am using a $60 Sony DVD/CD player to deliver the digital signal through a coax cable to my Arcam r-Dac, is that not doing it justice? Do you recommend I upgrade my transport to better meet the quality of the DAC or does it not matter?

Elberoth - I recentky had the opportunity to do a shootout of several liner and switching supplies powering digital, USB converter, reclocker and DAC. In all cases, the switching supply followed by a fast regulator beat out the linear. I feel now that liners are just too slow to respond to be interesting for digital.

I have also had customers try various linear supplies for the Synchro-Mesh reclocker, all with dissappointing results.

Steve N.
I don't believe for a minute that linear power supplies are too slow for digital.The lastest ModWright 105 OPPO and the Yamamoto YDA-1 DAC (two fine examples) use well built and implemented linear power supplies. If the criteria and goal is pure natural music reproduction and involving musically and realism, I'd put these two excellent digital components up against any alternative with switching PS in terms of actual sound quality. What are some examples of these newer and better switching PS digital components? I'd like to hear them and compare.
The linear powersupply in the Oppo 105 is only used for the analog section. However, some manufacturers (Ayre DX-5 - Theta Compli 3D) have put linear PSs in Oppo based players for the digital section, apparently with good results.
Charles - there is a big difference between a switcher and a good quality switcher followed by a fast discrete linear regulator.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio