Balanced or single ended leads from your arm.

While cartridges have balanced output at the pins, not many head amps can accept balanced inputs. It seems as though with longer lines, it will be easier to position the table where it just works better in the room when balanced lines eliminate hummmmm.

What hase been your experience in this situation; balanced out, single ended out with no adverse effects.

thanks Ken
Raul, agree with you and others here. Good solid sharing of info on hooking up our phono cartridges.

What you prefer Swiss cables over the Purist? Blasphemy!:-)

I can't tell if your teasing me with the smiley face or wondering why I changed cables. I still love Purist, my balanced connections from cartridge to phono is Purist Anniversary. The comment was a rave for Neutrik connectors (Swiss made), I love their construction and finish and as stated by others here, VERY reasonably priced.

I actually got mine from Aesthetix, Jim White is a good friend and I wanted the exact connector he builds Io and Callisto with. Turns out you can do a Google search and find Neutrik all over the net at a few bucks per connector.

Mine were cryo treated with a batch of Porter Ports I was getting done. Did a second set for backup in case I ever sell the Walker (not likely :^).
dgarretson: Are you sure BAT said that? Must have been a reason. I have a all BAT system and they recommended balanced into my BAT VKP10SE-ditto my dealer. Since I've upgraded to the Superpak version...

I heard it was a increase in signal by 6 db. Noise fell for me.

All I can say is mine did sound better running XLR's on the phono stage...just my experience...your's may vary.
Interesting thread: Since there has been mention of balanced phono stage, I ran across this one a short while ago:

Aqvox Phono

It is a current amplier with fully balanced layout. This one got excellent reviews in Europe. And it is not that expensive, only about Euro 750 shipped.

I did not have a chance to listen to it but it seemed to fit the topic...

Jfrech, here is a post that Victor Komenko of BAT made awhile back that sums up his view on the matter. The 6db advantage in SNR actually goes to the SE connection between the TT & the phono stage.
I changed from using phono RCA into a ClearAudio Balance Phono with XLR balanced out to Balanced input on ARC pre-amp and rest of my system TO phono RCA in and out of an ARC Phono Ref. My findings are that the noise floor increased slightly but that was counteracted somewhat by the superior soundstage and resolution of the ARC Ref.
I know its not really a fair comparison going solid state to tube and ARC was about 4x higher in price and to be honest, also of course fully balanced lines decrease the attenuation, etc.
I am now actively researching either swopping the ARC Ref for a fully balanced phono or having the Ref modded to XLR in & out. Especially so since Harry has started offering an XLR junction box wired in Valhalla to match the arm rewires.
A London dealer told me that the new ARC phono PH7 can be built full balanced to special factory order for about £1k extra.
Bit of a 'head scratcher' decision so responses welcome - anybody gone from an ARC Ref Phono to a PH7?