Dense, powerful sounding TT, decent top $3500 max?

I've had a VPI HW-19 Mk.III table for donkey's years. Several of my other components have been upgraded, and I'm looking to possibly acquire a new table. I listen mainly to classical music, and like a sound that is dense, powerful and supple as opposed to rigid/electronic, and with some decent top end extension. I am staying with my SME IV.Vi tonearm. Maximum I want to spend for the table is $3500. Thanks very much.
Like you I listen mostly to classical music and my arm is an SME V. Its easy for me to recommend a Teres 255: lead damped armboard and acrylic platter, beautiful cocobolo plinth, excellent Maxon motor. Simple to setup and easy to maintain. Chris Brady will custom cut the armboard for you. Frankly I was stunned and delighted (shock and awe!) at the improvements the Teres + SME made over my SOTA Sapphire. I'll say it matches your criteria very well.

I used the 255 with the V for several years before upgrading to a Teres 320. And there is another plus, Teres has a great policy that makes it really affordable to move up. But the 255 could easily be a lifetime table.

There are quite a few Teres users on the forums so you can get more opinions than mine. And there are lots of excellent tables in your price range and I hope folks offer further suggestions. You might tell us your cartridge and phono preamp as all the bits fit together in the analog front-end. Best of luck with your search!

Avid Volvere. About 1k more than your budget but works very well with SME (bolts directly to the subchasis, power bass and dynamics of a non suspended table; depth, and detail of a suspended table). Very easy to set-up and extremely well made. You would not be disappointed.
Thanks, fellows, for your thoughts so far. Jtimothya: I've checked out info before on the Teres 255, and was quite favorably impressed by what I read. I also found interesting your comparative comment regarding the Sota Sapphire, which I owned too a number of years back, and which, to my ears at least, always sounded more stereotypically "solid state". I will take another good look at the Teres 255. And Jaybo: Your point is well taken also. That same thought has crossed my mind before. Otherwise, I've noted one other good possibility---the Serac by Galibier, which is expected soon to make its market debut. Has anyone out there heard more about this unit ?