Dense, powerful sounding TT, decent top $3500 max?

I've had a VPI HW-19 Mk.III table for donkey's years. Several of my other components have been upgraded, and I'm looking to possibly acquire a new table. I listen mainly to classical music, and like a sound that is dense, powerful and supple as opposed to rigid/electronic, and with some decent top end extension. I am staying with my SME IV.Vi tonearm. Maximum I want to spend for the table is $3500. Thanks very much.
Lots of options at your price level and easy to blow away the Mk.III.

The Teres recommendation is solid.
You might want to hear the Michell Orbe SE. It does very well the the arm you have and would allow you some extra money to get a top notch cartridge.
If you are looking used(???), and like the sound of your VPI, why not look futher up their line?

I oned a VPI HW19, and upgraded to an Aries and was very happy for a long time. The 19 had a modified Rega 300 ,and the Aries had the JMW 10. If it matters.

See if you can find an Aries 1 - not the II or III. It is a substantial improvement on the HW19.