Dense, powerful sounding TT, decent top $3500 max?

I've had a VPI HW-19 Mk.III table for donkey's years. Several of my other components have been upgraded, and I'm looking to possibly acquire a new table. I listen mainly to classical music, and like a sound that is dense, powerful and supple as opposed to rigid/electronic, and with some decent top end extension. I am staying with my SME IV.Vi tonearm. Maximum I want to spend for the table is $3500. Thanks very much.
For me, the combination of table, tonearm, tonearm cable AND cartridge makes sound sampling a more complex and tougher task than simply injecting into the audio chain any of the other individual components such as preamp, amp or speakers. Relying on information and impressions of others thus becomes an even more important factor in consideration of that leading portion of the phono front end. Thanks very much to all , especially Dougdeacon, because his comments on Teres/Galibier help solidify my own predilections in regard to where I believe I will go.
You might keep an eye out for a used Maplenoll Ariadne Signature which would be in your budget and includes an air bearing linear tracking arm. See My System for pic and description.
Keep your eyes open for a used Micro Seiki RX 5000. Tough to find but worth the wait.