Inventory of vinyl - what software do you use?

I am finally going to inventory my records this winter, or so I hope. I am wondering what software applications other Audiogoners use for this task. A specialized vinyl inventory program? MS Access or other database program? Also, what categories do you find most useful to keep a record of, besides Artist and Album name, condition of vinyl, record label, etc.?

I am not looking forward to this task but it is necessary, I think. I have been putting it on the back burner for way too long, out of pure laziness. I would like user-friendly software, with the ability to sort by field.

Please tell me what you use!

Larry, why do so many of your posts simply say .bookmark.? Is it a way to infer to others that the thread is of sufficient interest toi bookmark, or does Audiogon automatically place that line when someone bookmarks a thread? I ask because yours are the only posts where I have seen this.
Hi David,
"Bookmark" does signify a thread that holds interest for me and it is a convenient way to have that thread pop up on my "forum threads" automatically when I sign on.
I usually use it when I am not posting in that thread but want it to come up for me anytime some one adds the thread. It saves scanning all of the discussion forums each day for what I am trying to follow.
Hope all is well on your side.
I am still using a program called Audiofile which was reviewed in Stereophile many years ago.

Here are some of the issues I've run into.

The biggest issue is that the author of the program walked away from it a few years ago. I asked if, since he was disowning it, he would give me programming information so that I could maintain it for my own personal use (It has glitches when run in XP). Even though he admitted it was just a template over Filemaker Pro, he wanted to sell it to me. So.....To the extent possible you want to deal with a reputable software company that you can count on.

In the 5 years I owned the program before he disowned it there were no updates or fixes provided. They were promised. See last comment above.

This program allowed for the printing of a listing but did not provide a means to customize the listing so that what you spend time printing out is what you really want.

You could not print to a file or to html so there was no way to create something you could post or send to a friend.

The media categories were fixed at dat, vinyl, cd, tape, minidisc. This is a problem. It forces me to lump sacd and dvd-a into cd and 7inch 45rpm and all 78rpms into vinyl. I never use dat, minidisc or tape.

The help features were terrible.

A really useful piece of cataloging software would combine the cataloging feature with a music server feature all in one program. How hard could that be?

I could go on and on. Flexibility of fields and field titles should be a high priority.