Great bass from a linear tracking arm?

Is great bass and full, rich, mid-bass/upper-bass 'presence' possible from a linear tracking arm?

Is one brand better than the others in this regard:
Airtangent, Kuzma, Walker, ET, Cartridgeman, Forsell, Rockport, etc.?

Is it all just a matter of cartridge selection?
I'm told that an ultra-light cartridge in combination with a light linear tracking arm will produce the best bass.
Nope, I was just guessing as it doesnt have a body. It might well weigh a lot more. However I am using the older emt - not the titanium (which replaces some plastic parts with metal) so the titanium could be heavier. Is the zyx really half the weight of the emt?

EMT compliance is 15 micro m/mN

The AT bass was still pretty good - on a par with or better than many pivoted tonearms but nowhere near as good as the brinkmann arm. I would certainly revisit the AT with a higher pressur epump to see what effect that had.
The ZYX UNIverse without the silver base (SB) is 5.0 grams.
The compliance horizontal is 15 x 10-6 cm/dyne and the compliance vertical is 12 x 10-6 cm/dyne.

I'm not surprised that Kuzma is using the ZYX with his linear tracker. I 'did the math' (according to the formula at the VDH site) and both the ZYX Universe and the Airy 3, on paper at least, work great with that arm.

I think that the Airtangent may have a slighter lighter effective mass than the Kuzma which leads one to believe that an extremely light cartridge with a medium to high vertical compliance would work really well with it. Since we don't want the horizontal compliance to be too high (tail wagging dog) it is probably best to go for a really low mass cartridge to get the math, and the bass, to work out nicely.
Great thread...Thanks All.
Kuzma will not be able to sell the UNIverse. That model is sold exclusively by Sorasound.
I use the Kuzma and the Dynavector XV-1s and it is a great combo.
Bass is phenomenal, tight deep and very tuneful.
well I use with the Kurma Airline, the Transfiguration
Orpheus and with the other Airline the ZYX FS-100,
and soon the Lyra Skala.

regards Karl-Heinz