Best rack for non-suspension turntable?

I have a Well-Tempered Classic turntable. For those unfamiliar, it does not have any internal suspension.

Does anyone have an opinion about the best type of equipment rack for this kind of table? My options are the Naim Fraim (I have Naim electronics, but the Fraim is obscenely expensive) which is rigid with glass shelves or the Isoblue which is composed of layers of different woods (so I'm told).

The Fraim supposedly is unbeatable with a suspension table like an LP12, but I'm not sure how it would work with a non-suspended table.

Any opinions?
I hope that I'm not ''jumping on this thread'' here but I too am looking foe something under my 35 lbs. transport and put up a thread I think just this week but nobody really answered the question. If as Audiogoners we begin to use labratorty ''type'' equipment to control vibrations as has been discussed question is ; "what does it do to the music''? If it controls vibrations and cleans up the sonic spectrum so to speak.....are we or would we taking away the warmth of a Hammond B3 or the timbre of an acoustic guitar ??? I realize Mr Turboglo is looking for a stable rack but all of these affect the music in one way or another. I have looking into the Minus K stuff....and would like to know is the music better with this stuff ? Hey, Harmonic Resolution is a hot product right now that everyone is taking about and seems in the Audio World to be okay to charge $2,000 for that.....but this is laboratory stuff here ???? Sorry for jumping in with my .02
I'm using an 18" concrete patio slab on four tennis balls on top of an exterior wall mounted maple shelf. It's dead quiet now. The total cost was about $20.00.
Go for SolidSteel Table.
They are decoupled with cones and you can adjust the top Plate.
For a complete description of the 300lb plus Turn Table Stand for the new Goldmund Reference II TT System hit this link !!

Thanks to Neil for digging into the archives (Nsgarch)
You were right about my thoughts maybe too much vino that night 4 me Yes?

Goldmund blog

Listening to
Ian Gomm - Albion Records Ariole 202 230-320 German Pressing
Garebear, if the resonances are truly being effectively channeled out and external influences isolated, the sonic result should be more harmonically rich as the crud is removed to reveal the real sound. Any true upgrade, as opposed to a juggling of colorations, should have this effect, ie. less hash and grunge/more natural detail. In my experience this does not usually translate as brighter unless natural brightness is being masked. Even then it is not aggressively brighter, just more revealing.