Is a Koetsu Rosewood Sig Overkill for my JMW 9Sig?

My system has evolved wonderfully over the recent past.
I'm running a few year old ZYX Airy Vintage on a Scoutmaster with center & ring weights via a Cardas Neutral reference into an EAR 864 full function preamp.
My Cary V12 drives Wilson Audio Sophia I's.
Will the 9 Sig (With 3 gm headshell weight) allow the Koetsu to perform its' magic? Is is a worthwile upgrade?
My musical tastes range from vocals to classic rock to chamber music to symphonic extravaganzas.
I'm not at all unhappy with the ZYX (just the opposite). Just looking for another flavor of magic. I'll probably keep it as well.

I love it. The Schroder ZYX combination is fabulous. The table jumped up a huge step getting good isolation. My floor is a little bouncy although it is concrete. I honestly find it hard to believe the Walker or the Caliburn are significantly better once the TW is on an isolation rack. This is of course taking the tonearm/cartridge combination out of the equation. I know quite a few people who compared the TW to some of the competition out there and prefered it. As I keep reiterating, I find it extremely neutral and dynmaic. You can't go wrong & can tune it easily. Honestly I feel you will love the ZYX as well & maybe even more in different ways. It all depends. I truly love both. Leaves me confused.

I am going to spring for a 103R based on your comments. Need something for my bad records. Maybe that is the ticket.
02-06-07: Downunder Pauly, we drink beer in Australia not water :)

Actually my comment was aimed at hfeiner. The .au made me think he was an ozzy. I happen to really like Koetsus. I'd eat my own children before giving up on that.

BTW, I have aDL103R also. Enjoy that too. I recently received a Ebony body to transplant the DL103R into. The plastic one resonates (like a zyx?) ;)

02-07-07: Pauly
I happen to really like Koetsus. I'd eat my own children before giving up on that.

Damn! That's hardcore! I don't know that I've ever heard anything that good, and I've heard Koetsu's. I guess everyone has their priorities though.

>>I'd eat my own children before giving up on that.<<

Could we see pictures of your children?