Grahma Phantom vs Tri-Planer?

Any further info on the Graham Phantom are compared to the Tri-Planer? I reviewed the threads and not too much on the Phantom vs the Tri-Planer (there is plenty on the Graham 2.2).

Rick RWD
I've not heard the Triplanar, but I've had the Phantom since September on my 20/2 with XV-1S and I love it. Very easy to set up and to adjust. Very musical, tracks beautifully. Very quiet; hear only the music. mids full and rich, highs airy, base deep and tight. It's not sweet or lush, quite neutral without being analytical.

Hope this helps.

Hi Mark! I'd love to take a listen to the arm (Phantom)! Too bad we couln't get a tri-planer and Schroder ref there at the same time to compare all three?
Hah! I guess that's one of my Christmas wishes!!!
RWD (Rick)
I just got off the phone with Jeff at High-Water Sound. Really nice person and thanks Evan for your suggestion for me to call him. e spoke about the AC Raven and I plan to see the table this week, but he threw me a curve ball and said the Dynavector 507 is a really great arm and he recommends it highly. I've heard this before for some others. So.......tell me goner's ...anyone have this arm or anyone know anything about it? Why do you lie it? Does it beat/compete with the other great arms........Schroder, Tri-Planer, Graham Phantom?? Can you do VTA on the fly? Any comments will be helpful!
At the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest I heard the TW-Acustic Raven AC turntable with two tonearms: a Schroeder Reference with a ZYX UNIverse (copper) and a Dynavector 507MkII with a Dynavector XV-1s. I thought both tonearm/cartridge combinations were excellent. Which you would prefer would come down to individual preference. Of course, you have to remember that the 507 Mk II and the XV-1s are very synergistic.

I would also expect that the 507 and XV-1s would mate well. I don't know myself, but Raul has told me that he was not so happy with that combination. FWIW.