Brinkman Balance Comparisons

For those who have the Brinkman or compared it to others please chime in. How does it compare to the Avid, TW Raven AC and SME 30? I heard the Raven AC has been compared to the Brinkman in Germany extensively. any thoughts? Also, how critical is a good support stand to achieve it's perfromance?

Thanks for your help,


Thank you very much for your thorough ecplanation. I have heard good things about the new DD Teres. I wonder if the high torque motors with BD that some people use is a bridge between your traditional low torque BD and a DD.

Fremer's recent Stereophile review of the AC Raven just happens to include some comparisons to the three tables you mention.
Hi Steve, Andrew and gang!

Steve, what a thoughtful and complete description you gave. I always learn a bit more when we talk. I am also in the search for a new TT and tonearm (remember the Tri-Planer) and would love to ask you (Steve/Andrew) you thoughts about the Galibria line. I am interested in the Glavia and heard it at someone's home. However, you can never really tell how good the piece of equipment you are auditioning when the system you hear it on is totally new to you and your ears!!!
That said, Steve/Andrew....any comments about the Glavia? I believe it is quite good (Dan chime in) and with a good arm (Tri-Planer/Graham/Schroder) it will keep me happy for many years. The only problem is that the unit is produced in Colorado and the set-up would be done by someone associated with the table here in NYC. I am an "all thumbs" person and require assistance in with arm/table set up.
That said......I also was interested in the idle wheel TT but they are so difficult to find to listen to.

Anyway......any thoughts/comments?

P.S. Andrew I always love your topics !

RWD (Rick)
Hi Rick,

Thanks for your comments and it's too bad we never met at the Vaccum tube show last year. Anyway, I think the Triplanar is a good arm. I have been using it now for about 1 year and it is very easy to use and adjust parameters. Because of that, I have been able to appreciate the impact of fine tuning VTF, VTA and azimuth.

I don't have experience with other top arms, But peole in the know say the Triplanar is close to neutral.

The Graham Phantom is supposed to be very good and has the option to have multiple armwands for multiple cartridges.

If I were to buy a second or third arm it would be the Schroder DPS and the Ikeda IT-345. The latter having the ability to swap headshells. But ultimately, you need to make sure the cartridges and arms are compatible.

As far as the Galibier goes, I think it is one of the top TT's. Very well made and a good value which you would enjoy for a long time. I just don't have a lot of excperience with it. I'm planning to go to CES this year and I hope to listen to it and meet Thom in person.

Dan Ed has good experience with the Galibier. Also, I would not worry about having it set up by someone in the NYC area.

Vetterone: would you include the Walker and the Continuum in your top five? DO you believe the Teres competes at that level?