Brinkman Balance Comparisons

For those who have the Brinkman or compared it to others please chime in. How does it compare to the Avid, TW Raven AC and SME 30? I heard the Raven AC has been compared to the Brinkman in Germany extensively. any thoughts? Also, how critical is a good support stand to achieve it's perfromance?

Thanks for your help,

Raul..well said. You are correct. I must assume that my final cartridge decision will be one of these: Dynavector XV1-S, ZYX-3 or Uni. With that said, I believe the Tri-Planer, Phantom will do well to carry these cartridges (agree)? Then, the TT....and I believe a Raven, Glavia, Teres 320 will all do well to complete the unit.
My Aries/10.5 unit is good....quit good. However, I just have to believe the upgrade of a newer table and arm and cartridge (Helikon now) will be a move up for my system.
Thanks again, Raul for your quick and thoughtful comments.
RWD - Have you considered the Titan-i as another cartridge choice? Lyra will subtract $1,000 off the Titan-i with your Helicon trade-in. I've been going through the same cartridge conundrums with my set-up. An Avid Volvere, Tri-Planer VII, and Helicon. If you like the Helicon, the Titan-i may be an excellent progression with a little less guesswork and a substantial savings. Richard
Hi Richard....Yes I have. However, my Helikon is quit good but I'd like a bit more warmth and roundness. Now, here come the part that I get so frustrated about. I have heard the titan in another system BUT it was another system and not mine. Therefore, what I was istening to was quit good BUT on someone elses system. I guess what I am saying is I am ready for a change.
As to price...I may be wrong but I believe cartridges have a very high mark up. I believe I can get a good price on any cartridge with a complete system (TT/arm/etc).

But Thanks for your commets and are always helpful!
P.S. Anyone have a copy or link to the stereophile Michael Fermer review of the TW Raven AC?

Dynavector XV1-S, ZYX-3 or Uni. With that said, I believe the Tri-Planer, Phantom will do well to carry these cartridges (agree)?

Yes, they work very well.