I have a Kuzma 4pt with a ref XL, single motor. I have used - in this order- benzLp ebony, colibri, airtight PC3, shelter harmony and now Atlas.
I would avoid the benz and colibri. All the others are excellent. My most recent cart (atlas) is superior to all the others - fast, powerful, wide stage, depth and detail, very good bass definition. Never heard such convincing piano reproduction. The shelter is also very fine sounding.
The colibri (in my system)is rather lean sounding, gives very good spatial information and is nicely detailed but can emphasise sibilance especially.
with female vocal.
the benz sounds rather dull compared to all the others.
I have a Kuzma 4pt with a ref XL, single motor. I have used - in this order- benzLp ebony, colibri, airtight PC3, shelter harmony and now Atlas.
I would avoid the benz and colibri. All the others are excellent. My most recent cart (atlas) is superior to all the others - fast, powerful, wide stage, depth and detail, very good bass definition. Never heard such convincing piano reproduction. The shelter is also very fine sounding.
The colibri (in my system)is rather lean sounding, gives very good spatial information and is nicely detailed but can emphasise sibilance especially.
with female vocal.
the benz sounds rather dull compared to all the others.