Linn Upgrades

My Linn dealer sent out a newsletter with sketchy details about a couple of new upgrades coming in early 2007. One involving the base, the other involving the tone arm. Has any one else heard about these?
There's some photos in the Vinyl Engine as well...
My local dealer said the sub chassis will be milled billet aluminum and the Ekos as mentioned above. Take a look at the new sterephile. Dudly is looking at some non-linn upgrades.
Thanks Palasar. I checked out the sites you refer to. I found out that the projected price for the Keel is $5,400 and for the Ekos SE is $7,600. I thought that Linn prices were high before, but this is ridiculous.
Spoke with my Linn dealer today. He just got back from CES. Update on pricing. The prices quoted earlier were a bit high. The Keel will come in at $3,000, the Ekos SE, $5,000.
Still high. But not quite as bad as previously thought. I will, of course, want to audition before making any kind of move...