Hi Bob,
I've used a Creek OBH 15 and for the money it's nice but not in the same ball park as a used Camelot.
Creek & Clearaudio Basic - much the same not worth the extra for the Basic imo.
Clearaudio Basic Ltd - a really nice stage, crucifies P75 & most others in it's price range imo
I'd still say a used Lancelot or if you were really lucky a Quicksilver - not the dearest stage I've ownd by a long chalk but still my favourite!
Have to admit I'm not a solid state fan when it comes to phono stages but I could live with the Clearaudio Basic, Camelot and for the dosh , the Creek was surprisingly pleasant.
I find far to many people spend a shedload on the cartridge and then skimp on the stage, silly really as the cartridge wears out and in most instances the stage is not good enough to allow them to hear what the cartridge is doing, be it right or wrong.
Having had dozens with no complaints, I would buy a used stage of here and get a good deal up the ladder than buying new. Most in your price range will sell on for much the same price if you don't like them?
Rgds Simon