Nationalism in Audio Products?

In searching out quality products, I am finding that many folks review products, describe products, or even laud products for their being made in so-and-so country. Coming from a first generation household, my mom a Swiss immigrant, my dad, Russian, I can identify with these seemingly stereotypical associations between certain countries' craftspeople and their products. What I mean is, there is some truth to the sterotype that a speaker made in, say, England, might sound better than one made in another place. It even occurred to me the other morning, that since I am planning to upgrade my entire system in the coming years, to see if I could put together an All-Swiss-Made system, being a bit partial to their manufacturing standards (and their chocolate). I found several sets of speakers that didn't look very promising (of course I haven't actually HEARD them). Benz micro is pretty well known. I also know of a Swiss CD player whose price tag depressed me for days. I haven't found any Swiss tube amplifiers and I was starting to not care. Then I found a turntable built by a Swiss company called Holborne. I have since scoured the internet looking for information about it. There is nothing even on Audiogon (searching archives for keyword "Holborne") I would humbly ask any of you if you know anything about this turntable, if it is built to last, if it sounds good, in short, is it a good investment. If there I receive enough contrary advice, I would probably return to my original plan, a little thing built in the US of A called the Galibier Serac.....
As far as Swiss companies go, Goldmund comes to mind and they make literally everything, from source to speakers. They've made some pretty famous turntables in their time but they don't make them anymore. However they pop up used on here pretty frequently. Another speaker company is Piega, who makes very high quality speakers with ribbon tweeters. FM Acoustics is also Swiss, they make extremely expensive amplification products. Actually every Swiss hifi product seems to be quite expensive, I think that Switzerland itself is just expensive. I can't think of any Swiss tubed gear, but there must be something. Maybe someone else will know?
Philosophy is transcendant. In many cases, you can hear and see the way the designer is when you listen and look at his amplifier or speaker. I am French and American and the difference in philosophy between the two nationalities is very clearly reflected in their respective gear. My McIntoshes have a big sound, kind of laid back, care free and easy going with prodigious bass. My Koras are rather forward and fast with a particular affinity for details and clarity and an underlying impatience. It is as if I was describing the stereotypes of each country! So I agree with you in this way. I find this philosophical transcendance to be very interesting, to the extent that I ended up designing my system to be like me. The result is that I love it.

Swiss gear is like the county in how expensive it is. hahaha. Dartzeel, FM Acoustics, Nagra, Goldmund, Piega etc. all have high price tags but their quality is also top notch. Everything is well thought out and carefully made. Again, just like their homeland.


Very swiss and have tube amps and preamps.

Swiss tonearms, DaVinci, Breuer.