Upgrade old LP12 or buy a new table??

Hello everyone. I have a 20 year old LP12 that I bought when I was in college. My current LP12 consist of Ittok LVII arm, Trampolin base, and Cirkus bearing. It needs work as the motor is out of alignment as well as the usual wear. I'm sure I need a new cartridge as well. My question is should I get this table bought up to current or just buy a new table. I have heard great things about the VPI Super Scout Master Signature. I have been out of analog for a bit but have the desire to spin some LPs again.
I agree with Ghunter. The LP 12 is a money machine, and every upgrade remembers me about the reanimation from a dead donk.
When yoo love it, ok, stay with it, when you can't hear a difference to better designs, great, stay with it, when you want something less coloured, check the market. Endless choices.
Like others have said or implied, it could be a matter of whether you like the Linn's performance overall. That is, when it is operating properly. I too have had the LP12 for years, since around 1984 or so. Recently, it was not sounding very good and was pretty unlistenable for me. However, a rebuild (new suspension) and having the Valhalla board repaired did the trick. Actually, the board was repaired and it was better, but I replaced it with a used Lingo anyway (which is better still).

Wanting something new or different is fine, but, IMHO, the Linn is still one of the best at getting the jest of the recording off of the disk. I could be wrong (and the LP12 is the only Linn I have ever owned, except for a K9 cartridge), but it's my current opinion. There are many others who swear by VPI, and Acoustic Solid is one I would check into if I lost my Linn.

Cheers for the New Year.
I've wrestled with the same question for several years, also being a 20+ year owner of an LP12. I've started coming down on the side of upgrading the Linn, but it is as much out of a romantic attachment as anything else. The new Funk Firm upgrades look intriguing as hell. I think I'm emotionally opposed to the upcoming Keel upgrade as at some point, it stops being an LP12.
I still have the original Ittok arm along with the now twenty-something year old crappy arm wire. I think those might be first on my list.
Happy NewYear Audiogon!
I just picked up an ittok lvii on ebay mint,
but the tonearm cable has seen better days,
any pointers on an upgrade is the linn silver the name of
what i should be looking for?
Thanks Skand...Happy New Year to you and yours as well. If you are talking about the Din to RCA cable (goes to phono amp), I think I have read the upgraded cable referred to as the "T" cable. Anyway, a Linn dealer would know (I hope).