How much to setup a table??

So, I'm not sure if I set up my table correctly and wanted to ask our local dealer/tech to make a house call to set it up for me.

1. Are house calls standard protocol or will he look at me like I'm nuts?

2. What is a reasonable rate I should expect? $50? $20 + a few beers?

No, I didn't buy the table from the dealer but, I have bought a few things there in the past a few years ago. They know me because I always stop by to say, "Hi" and buy used vinyl from the owner on occasion.

post where you live here and see if a kind vinyl member will take you up on beers and music.....many helpful folks lurk in Agon.
Try advertising on here for someone to calibrate your table and arm for you. There may be someone within 100 miles who would be glad to find an audio buddy somewhat nearby. Also, if you were to state what table, arm, and cartridge you are using there may well be 'Goners who can advise you on line or by phone. Many of us have skills equal to or better than your dealer. And at least a few no doubt have better tools.
This is what the forum is for.
Hey! Y'all are alright...

I live in South Bend, IN. Right by Notre Dame (don't hold that against me.)

Please take a look at my System to see the TT/Arm/Cart combo (Clearaudio, Origin Live, Benz)

Thanx everyone.