Help setting up JMW tone arm

This is my first hi end turntable. A Scoutmaster. It has the JMW9 tone arm. I have assembled the turntable according to the manual. I am unsure of the tonearm set up. I have installed the cartridge, but when I mount the arm onto the pointed bearing, it's very "wobbly". There's a lot of play in the arm. It feels to me the arm is not mounted properly on the bearing. Does anyone know of a visual guide other than purchasing Michael Fremer's DVD?
I did not notice wobble during play, just while moving the arm. If it's normal I can live with it. Never had a unipivot arm before. Now I just waiting on a stylus force gauge so I can set it up.

Oh one last question, how does one adjust the arm lif.It doesn't seem to lift high enough to raise the arm from the record.

I don't have a JMW arm, but I saw a set screw for the cueing assembly in one of the pictures. This set screw was just to the right of the cueing assembly and just above the cueing lever, screwed horizontally into the supporting member. Perhaps if this screw were loosened, you could raise the entire cueing assembly to the desired height. I hope someone that has a JMW arm can provide a more definitive answer.
If you don't think you've got it right, call VPI and talk w/Mike. He is a really nice guy, and will be able to help you. Cheers,