What music is your system setup for?

I am new here, so hello to everyone.
Did you set your system up for rock, jazz or classical from the get go?
Are your speakers far from the back wall, say 6 feet for a deep sound stage, some say nessesary for classical?
just off the wall, say 3 feet good for rock and some where in between for jazz, or does it matter?
Also what type of music did you purchase your equipment to listen to and is it a compromise when you listen to the other or does that not matter either?
Just thoughtI would ask.
Thanks for your input.
I Live in a small apartment with SET electronics & single driver speakers. I think my system sounds best with small acoustical works (jazz & chamber music mainly) but I listen to all genres. In short, I'm with Warrenh. It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.
mid-fi systems are helpful in masking many rock (as well as many other) alblums' distortions and mixing errors. these distortions are, again, to my ears, EXTREMELY distracting on a high-resolution system.
example 1. Jefferson Airplane- Surrealistic Pillow (std. cheap pressing)- forget about it- on my VPI/Fancy Rig the sound is thin and noisy (aside from surface noise). i always loved to listen and relax to this record over the years- what happened? example 2.a reel-to reel tape of HAYDN'S london symphony (#104-my favorite) made from an "ok" pressing/thorens turntable- on a less resolving system this tape sounds fantastic, with a pleasant bump in the midbass, some scratchiness in the strings but a pleasant overall sonority non-the-less. same tape on my fancy rig- now the bass bump and the distortion become more artificial sounding and the treble sounds closed in, so i am now wanting to get an SACD version to listen to instead- the economy 2-cd Haydn set i bought for $12 is lacking realism as well.
i even have a JVC boombox which, i swear, will amaze alot of people when i put on hendrix, csn&y, airplane, etc. even cassette tapes sound fine. something happened years ago when a thorens or a dual turntable (garrard, bsr, whatever), a receiver, and a nice pair of acoustic suspension speakers, would sound utterly convincing on rock, pop, classical, virtually anything you could throw at it. but now, not that it's all bad of course, but high-resolution/high definition sound is available but complicated and expensive to acheive.
"okay" sound, whether it's due to the vintage nature of the source, or new compressed formats, are usually (much) better off experienced on a bose radio, a car stereo, or inexpensive headphones. i just get nostalgic when i remember how nice my records, all my records (except for the scratched ones) used to sound back in the 60's and 70's,
on good, affordable equipment. and all through little skinny cables thrown in for free...
Hey Albert your gear cant play Polka or Celtic? Say it aint so!

I forgot to add those, provided Van Morrison, Enya and Loreena McKennitt qualify for Celtic and Brave Combo for Polka :^).

Thank for all the responces to my question now and in the future, even the sarcastic ones. Just thought I would explain how I put my always changing system together.
My system is setup for rock for the most part. That is the music I listen to the most. I do like some blues and jazz. When I buy a new piece of equipment, I usually play rock to see if I like the item. My system does play all genre of music well. But I hope as my tastes change, I will continue to enjoy it with what I have put together. If not it will be time to upgrade yet again. I had to integrate HT in the room also & that work out okay. I have to find a better way to eliminate the problems my projection screen causes but I do have it under control for now with a tapestry I put up while listening & remove for movies. This is a pain but worth it.