Rega P9 specs Re: spacers

Hi: could anyone tell me if the Rega specs on spacers are a good starting point to tell how many spacers I will need with a certain cart.

For instance Rega says their carts are 14 mm. Therefore if I have a cart that is 16 mm I would need one 2mm spacer. If I have a cart that is 19 mm I would need a total of 5 mm in spacers.

Is this is correct? If so, does anyone know if the height measurment is to be taken with the cart,mounted on the arm, and sitting on a record (i.e suspension engaged) or if the measurment should be taken without the action of the suspenion. I guess the question here is: does anyone know how rega get the 14 mm measurment, so that I can measure potential new carts the samy way, and gauge the spacer requirements.

Also, how do I short list potential carts for the RB1000 tonearm with regards to calculating resonance frequency. I cannot find specs for effective mass on this tonearm.

I'd appreciate it if any P9 owners out there could give me some tips on using this table with anything other than a Rega cart.
In reference to my previous post, what I mean is that if you wish to install a cart without lifting out the factory installed arm to shim it, the Kontrapunkt is at the limit in terms of body height.
OK, thanks for the clarification.

Ortofon doesn't list the height of the Kontrapunkt but it is most certainly more than that of the REGA Exact (which REGA says is 14mm). It's a lot higher. Based on the looks of it, I'd say it's probaby higher than most carts period.

If you are using it without spacers and not having problems, then it seems that trying to calculate spacer requirements beforehand based on the > 14mm measurment is not the way to go. Sounds more like a trial and error thing. I hate that. :(

Thanks for your help, it's back to the drawing board for me. I guess the best approach is pick the cart - have spacers on hand and use them if required.
Getting arm height right is a two step process:

Rough in the height visually. This can be done in different ways, but the point to remember is that ALL one can do visually is rough it in. Logically, this means one should choose a method that achieves an approximately correct setting quickly.

IMO this makes the Wally VTA device almost completely useless. It not only puts you to considerable pains, it complete ignores what matters most: the stylus in the groove.

The SRA methods posted multiple times here by Nsgarch and explained in Jon Risch's article in the FAQ's on VA are more accurate because they focuses on just that: the stylus in the groove. If you're really worried about roughing-in accurately (!), this is probably the best method I know. Spend enough time and you'll get quite close to the sweet zone for any particular arm/cartridge combination.

Personally I just make the cartridge "roughly" level by eye and proceed directly to...

Arm height must be fine tuned by ear, whilst listening to music. No visual adjustment will ever replace that.

Therefore, the best (and most enjoyable) use of one's time is to learn what to listen for and how different adjustments sound.

FWIW, when I had a Rega style arm I replaced the spacers with an aftermarket adjuster. Trying to fine tune by ear otherwise would have been an impossible chore.

My $.02, for whatever they're worth!
My understanding is that the height is measured from the top of the cartridge (that sits againt the headshell) to the tip of the stylus. There are aftermarket VTA available that allow the arm to be adjsuted manually. Use of htese will void your Rega waranty I was told by my dealer.
Thanks Doug, I've read the articles you mentioned, but as you said the fine tuning methods can't really be applied to the REGA without the aftermarket VTA adjuster. I don't know if there is such an animal available for the RB1000 tonearm.

Seeing as I'm not that experienced at setup, I decided I would like to keep things simple, and sacrifice the fine tuning for now.

It's not turning out to be as straigtforward as I expected though because the numbers I have been given to work with are not making sense.

According to specs, I should need 5 mm spacing for the cart I am using; however, 2mm spacing is what gives the best result both visually and audibly. Obviously the answer is to use the 2mm spacer, and forget about it, but it bothers me that the numbers don't work out, and I keep wondering if I am missing something, or if something else on the table is out of spec. not to mention the difficulty in planning for future cart. purchases.

Thanks again, let me know if you have any info on the VTA adjuster for the RB1000