Looking to start a vintage jazz collection,

and I was just wondering what is the best turntable and cartridge combo to get started with. I have been looking at used Nottingham Horizon's(SE version with the dynaventor 10X5 cartridge, and also rega P3s with an exact 2 cartridges. Which set up would be better for pre digital jazz LPs? Any other general information you want to give out would be much appreciated--Cheers
The Rega signature is clean and tight as opposed to fleshy and rich. In the right system it can be balanced to your taste. The pitch can be fixed with an outboard power supply from Heed or if you wait for the new P3 due out in about a month it has the option of adding a Rega outboard PS. The P5 has the option already.
Ebay is a great source for used jazz LPs. One needn't invest huge sums into original pressings and mint covers to enjoy the music. After all, this is about the music, not stamp collecting, right? Fantasy, up in Berkeley has done a fantasic joy of reissuing great 50's jazz. Last I checked, their reissues were ten-bucks each and sound fantastic.
Try going to Thrift shops,Music stores that carry used and new vinyl,garage and estate sales and Mosiac records on line. They put out some 180 gram box sets that basicaly sound awesome and gives you a slice of certain musicians discography.
Music Halls new MMF 9.1 .. I can't believe how ridiculously good this table is, with an all carbon arm now too, and dead on speed sensor with 50 hz motor.. Also the table is dead silent and built like a battle tank, without cartridge it sets you back about 1800.00 but I feel its easily one of the best in any range you can buy, very easy to setup and ergonomics are really the best I have messed with.