Raven One

I was curious what the feedback has been on the baby Raven turntable. I can't afford the Raven AC. Does anyone know the cost? If the laws of diminishing returns apply, this should have great performance.

thanks for looking.
My Raven One should be here by mid May. I just decided to upgrade the arm board to bronze after reading a Raven One thread on PinkFishmedia. Many of us know the benefits of brass cones (I have brass sistrum speaker stands that are amazing). I actually had to look up the difference between bronze and brass to see how they were different compositionally.

I think the bronze armboard will help to close the gap between the Raven One and the bigger AC. Apparently Thomas, the Raven's builder has a One at home (along with an AC) that has the bronze armboard and an external motor. One listener had trouble distinquishing bettween the two tables, and even Thomas himself was reported as sayiing the difference was about 10%.
(I'm not sure how much if any the external motor contributes to the One). I think this effectively means that the Raven One is probably the biggest bargain in turntables today, since it comes so close to the AC in sound quality, and the AC reviews have been fantastic. I think I also read that the price of the One is going up next month, so I'd say if your thinking about this table, now is the time to jump on it. I think the current wait time is about 3 months, and as more and more people get theirs, undoubtedly, friends will hear them and have to have one. I'm sure the upcoming NY hi fi show will see tons of orders as well. From what I understand these have been selling like hotcakes, so clearly analog is very healthy right now.

Jeff at Highwater Sound has been very patient with my continued armboard changes. First I ordered it with a Schroder 2 armboard, then changed the order to a Phantom armboard, then recently to the bronze board. He never tried to upsell me to the bronze, or even to try to get me to buy the Raven One at all! I was there to pick up and return a Tron Seven phono pre amp for home audition, (which is now on order as well) and saw all his amazing tables, and sold one to myself.

By the time my table arrives, I will have probably changed the armboard order again, since I have now found another arm that I believe will be better than the Phantom I have sitting here in a box.

my new tonearm

Once my Raven One/Phantom/hyperphono/Tron Seven comes I will probably not be able to post because I'll be in analog heaven and I'm not sure if they have broadband there.
What is the word from the field? Mine is shipping at the end of next week. Word from Europe so far seems we;; received.
Hi Ebalog
Go to www.soundscapehifi.com. U will find the dimension for Raven One as well as Raven AC 1 motor and 3 motor version. Happy listening