New Maplenoll Ariadne owner needing advice

I have recently purchased a maplenoll ariadne. I have tried to learn a little about the table but find very little information. I know the table was discontinued in the 90's but the little i have found indicated it is a very good table. I am interested to learn if there are any tricks or problems to optimizing this table. As most of you probably know, it is an air bearing platter and tonearm. I plan on putting my zxy airy 3 on the arm once I get it set up.
Threaders : I am in the middle of a revision of my table beyond what has already been discussed. I will summarize the results when revisions are completed and tested.
My Jun-Air compressor came in today. I found a good deal on an overstock item on Ebay. The model# is 6-15. It is an oil lube compressor that is easily delivering 50 psig to the table. The noise factor is nil. Its about like a refrigerator. Jun-Air is used a lot in the research and medical industry. Pluto Audio also uses Jun-Air. The compressor is built like a tank so its actually a good match for the Maplenoll table.
Threaders: I located a source of information on the Web relating to air bearing tonearms. Go to and download the manual for their Tonearm. Lots of good stuff including maintenance and other issues related to air bearing tonearms. Some interpertation to our situation required but all things considered a excellent addition to anyone's library...And besides its free.
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The E.T.Manual recommends a particular air filter the Motor Guard Model D-13. This filter is a superior replacement to the white paper filter Maplenoll included with the Tables. Its specifications are: Pipe Size 1/4" NPT (needs 1/4 x 1/8 barbs) , Max. Floor @ 80 PSI 1800 SCFH, Max Pressure 100 PSI, Max Temp 175 F , Removal Rating (norm) .01 microns, Size 21/2x3". Price on reg.$7.05 sale $5.84 + shipping .

According to the Manuals, the filter is a must to keep gunk from clogging the Tonearm's Air Bearing Sleve. The filter should to be installed before or after the last plenium that feeds the air supply. Some reviewers recommend placeing the filter close to the pump. Take your pick of options. An alternative is a china made knock-off at Harbor Tools, Inc 2 for $2.99 on sale. No specs available.
Threaders: Quite Pump Care (QP)

If you own a Maplenoll Quite Pump like is understandable you want to extend the life of the QP as long as possible.

Scott Leventhal includes some upgrade hose and fittings recommendations on his Tweak Sheet. Fotunately, the hoses and fittings on my QP are in excellent condition; The work been apparently done at the factory long ago.

However, besides implementing the QP recommendations mentioned earlier , I did a homework regarding the pump lubericant. The factory recommendated MOBIL 1 (5-30 SAE). Another synthetic alternative to Mobil 1 is AMSOIL 5W-30 SAE. The product has been extensively tested in racing circles and reportly outperforms all other syn. oils. I have used the product in my car for years so I decided to use the AMSOIL in the pump. After, the VERY messy job of clearing the pump of who's knows what via 17 years of faithful service;I replaced the oil, cleaned the pump, and replaced the filter. I then rechecked the pump for air leaks and gently retightened the clamps. The result ? A consistent air flow of not less than 45 PSI, a cooler and less noisey pump in operation. As always my results may not be your own , so you take your chances but for me no problems.