New Maplenoll Ariadne owner needing advice

I have recently purchased a maplenoll ariadne. I have tried to learn a little about the table but find very little information. I know the table was discontinued in the 90's but the little i have found indicated it is a very good table. I am interested to learn if there are any tricks or problems to optimizing this table. As most of you probably know, it is an air bearing platter and tonearm. I plan on putting my zxy airy 3 on the arm once I get it set up.
I have, over time, re-aligned my manifold several times when I have worked on the table, but only for asthetic reasons. Again, if you use the alignment pin to anchor the right end of the overhang guide, then what you're saying is correct. I am just pointing out that it is possible to not anchor the guide with the pin and, although it is slightly trickier, you can align the overhang and tangency by swiveling the alignment guide, anchored only at the spindle end, at the same time as moving the cartridge on the headshell until the stylus is aligned all the way along the line, while keeping the alignment guide stationary, once you've found the appropriate position. Although this is evidently tricky to communicate, it is quite easy to do and precludes having to make the adjustment you're talking about.

Sorry to invoke such long winded confusion. I just thought it was worth mentioning.
Piedpiper : The benefit is that we now have two options , rather than one . Thanks for the input.
Threaders: After weeks of "trial an'error" , today I had a flawless 5 hr test run of the air control system (ACS).

To summarize, the system produced 41 PSI running to the arm manifold and 2-3 PSI to the 50lb. lead platter . Its dead quiet with all pleniums, oil-water separators , air regulator/filter/control mech. and filters working so the end product is clean, dry air w/almost no oil smell and no air pulse-sations. The home-made airfilters were filled with carbon & zeolite granules capped under and over w/"aquia-Pure" 100 percent polyester fiber filter cut to size.

My estimate is the whole-shee-bang cost me $200 but what an improvement. Lots more to come . Today was only a test. Lots more to do with the table/arm and possible big surprizes w/cartridge.

In the future I intend to post pics after I master the use of a digital camera.