New Maplenoll Ariadne owner needing advice

I have recently purchased a maplenoll ariadne. I have tried to learn a little about the table but find very little information. I know the table was discontinued in the 90's but the little i have found indicated it is a very good table. I am interested to learn if there are any tricks or problems to optimizing this table. As most of you probably know, it is an air bearing platter and tonearm. I plan on putting my zxy airy 3 on the arm once I get it set up.
Threaders :
My Airadne rebuild has come to close , at least for now . The air control system is complete. Currently the air regulators dials show a constant air pressure of 43 PSI , the arm appears to operate better that ever -- sonic images float with nuances and timbers rivaling many analog platforms for a fraction of the price.

I want to be very up-front about this re-ferb. Firstly, I did not reinvent the wheel , nothing of the kind. I give all the credit to informatiom from print sources , the internet, L. Walker, B.D., P.S. and good 'Goners like you.

The result? I was able to collect and verify the effectiveness of dozens of tweeks the majority I applied to the table , tonearm , air control system and isolation of the table from electrical and mechanical vibrations.

A most significant tweek was to dynamicly balance the lead platter . The trick is to turn over the platter and using extreme caution sand out the micro abrasions and ripples until you can run your finger nails across feeling nothing. No small feat . Remember you are sanding lead so be forwarned safety gear is a must. Depending upon the condition of the platter 400-1500 ga wet-sanding may do the trick . Wet sand the record touching surface , rim-edges if micro-abrasions are evident. Dry and repaint the platter top and sides only . Leave the back as is . Dynamicaly balance and BAM BAM !!! What a difference. More problems lay hidden on the back side of the lead platters than has been published save Lumley 24 years ago.

I shall contiune the 'Noll quest and more is in the mix : Perhaps a custom phono cartridge & set-up , new arm wans but for now I want to enjoy the music. Cheers
I know what you mean about taking a break from the tweaks. I still have a ways to go to catch up to you and piedpiper but sometimes you just got to play the music for a while. However, the sound from this table is great. People who come over are astonished to hear the quality of the music. I have had more than one person question the quietness of the analog until they heard my table with a clean record and clean stylus. Now that I am finished with my move, I will look to finish my new wand and headshell project. It won't be a black diamond arm but hopefully a close clone
Threaders : Quick bomb. Should have the big Mo'Money go buy or audition the Soundsmith Strain Gauge package $6 -14K. The impact is beyond anything you have experienced. Draws the listener into a world of sound that is hard for me to express. Ruthlessly revealing . It's not for the weekender without the time for record cleaning and perfect set-up. An experience unlike all others in playback. Oh, check-out S/S cartridge or rebuilds. Lots for a couple of bucks but way down the line to the sound of the Strain Gauge. The web site, w's.
couple of walker tables advertized in that price range. I do not know anything about either one, but reviews are consistent about walkers product