I merely reported above MY experience with the product.
I have used the AI product and liked it very much. Still do.
I am using the Walker Prelude product now and like it very much.
That said, I AM NOT a chemist. The debate going back and forth so far has detracted from the intent of this thread. The naysayers that are dismissing the product out of hand would do best to try it first, compare it to AI and draw your own conclusions. It seems like flawed thinking to claim something does or does not work if you have not tried it.
If you don't intend to try one or the other, please start your own thread to debunk the theory behind enzyme cleaners.
Like our choices in audio equipment, the choices we make to care for our LPs are our choices. At the end of the day, we only have to please ourselves.
I have used RRL, Disc Doctor, AI, L'Art du Son, Walker and have my preferences. I happen to like the AI and the Walker, but prefer to use one over the other at this time.
If you've tried the Walker Prelude and wish to debate its efficacy, fine. If you haven't tried it, opinions as to whether or not it works, are not really germane to this thread.