Interested in a weekly audiophile radio show?

I am an audiogon member, an enthusiastic audiophile and also a volunteer DJ at KZSU Stanford 90.1 FM in the bay area- a non-profit community broadcaster. I am considering dedicating an hour or half hour of my weekly show to audiophile topics.

I was thinking of having people from the industry in for interviews. A few of my ideas included having cartridge designers to explain how cartridges work and the differences between MC, MM etc, amplifier specialists to discuss SET, parallel, transformer-less, Class A, Class D etc. I would love to get ideas from this forum to try and make this as interesting as possible for the audio enthusiast.

Do you think there would even be an interest for this sort of thing? I was also thinking of asking audiophile re-issuer’s, like Classic, Speakers Corner etc. in to play their pressings. The station is equipped with an input that facilitates bringing an outboard phono preamp and turntable in. It also has three turntables that we use all the time, but they are definitely more disco type rigs with tough Stanton cartridges. What do you think?
I would love it. Stream it to internet if the station is not already. Post the times here and AA and I am sure there will be an listeners from around the world.
Sounds like a great idea.. Hopefully you can make it a podcast so we international folks can listen to it as well. :)
sure...we'd all love it...but look at the audience you are asking. Would your radio audience like it? Not to rain on your parade or anything...I just wonder how much interest there would be from the general public being that "audiophiles" are such a rare breed themselves.

just my 2c
You might want to contact John Sunier for some advice. He is from the Bay area and ran a nationally-syndicated radio program called Audiophile Audition, now a web-zine.

I mourn the loss of In Fidelity, the local L.A. radio program on all things audio. They even broadcast an interview with Harry Pearson. Ahh, the good old days...
Thank you gus all so much for answering. We do stream at at 24k mono, 56k stereo, 128k stereo (all MP3) and now at 192k AAC for those with a good internet conection. KZSU does all sorts of specialized stuff- from the Palo Alto City Council to a weekly show on intelectul property law in the information age. I don't think that the geek-ness of an audiophile show is out of line- who knows, it might even peak the interest of someone who is not already "in the choir."

I think I am going to go ahead and do it. I would love it if anyone else had some more specific ideas of folks & topics for interviews!

I will post as soon as I have a date and time for the first "audiophile" half hour.

Sans Dosage