which would you replace first?

My father is looking to improove his Vinyl set-up which consists of Soutmaster (STOCK) a Benz MC cart (the $600 model...red "ACE"?) and a Musical Surroundings Phonomena stage with Kimber Hero cables. Between the stage and cart what would give most bang for the buck in the $1500 price range if we only want to replce 1 of the 2 at this time. Thanks as always...............HAPPY NEW YEAR
Chadnliz : Before your father spents mo'bucks on his existing analog playback, may I suggest he re-clean his vinyl collection .

The Steam Cleaning Process outlined in a thread below can make a greater change for pennies on the $. When he knows the exact extent of change created by absolutely clean vinyl , perhaps he may forgo any changes or make a greater jump into the unknown.

I am of the opinion that far too much money exchanges hands on "hardware" prior to a complete evaluation of the "software". What I suggest is just another option before the Big Spend.

Cheers, Charlie
Although cleaner records will undoubtedly make a significant difference, it won't preclude the difference the hardware will make. Why not do both?
I just had my dad finally start cleaning records with a VPI 16.5 so the steam isnt gonna fly, I am really thinking hard of selling him on the Ortofon, his dealer actually stocks it so maybe he will like that idea.
Piedpiper : I agree that of course one can do both. I do suggest that once you know the condition of the software , its easier to make recomendations on spending one's money ... That will become evident later.

As for what to replace first , to me its a tie between the table and the arm. I am of the opinion the scoutmaster is about as revealing and flawed as 85-90% of the tables available and the same applies to all pivot/bearing tone-arms. My bias is air bearing tables and tone-arms but that may not fly .

Other than AB's , for my money , make the leap to a Raven TT (either one) and a Frank Schroder's magnetic repelling Reference Arm with a Soundsmith's strain gauge cart w/its own PA included. That's about 28K to get to the point where you hear just about all that LPs have to offer-warts an all. That's why pristine records come into play.

Of course you can spend more much more but the Law of Deminishing Returns overtakes you. Other than that, I would carefully clean all my connections , maybe apply a tweak or two to the scout, re-adjust the TA to spec's, demag the cart and system-at-large and enjoy , simply because what the father owns is pretty good sounding gear.

Then again, you can be crazed as I and buy a Maplenoll , a marriage made in heaven or ---- depending on one's commitment to the equipment. One of the most revealing and beautiful sounding rigs , when you get it spot on. Piedpiper would recommend air bearing ?