
I just bought a used BAT VK-P5 and I am getting a buzz from both channels that will increase and decrease with the volume control. I have Nuforce 9.02 mono amps that I know have RFI issues. I can also notice a change in the buzz when I touch or move the tone arm. Is the cartridge reacting to RFI? Has anyone else had any experince with this type of problem? Everything sounds great when I am playing records, but this is just eating at me. I have played with different cables and that helps somewhat. I even get the buzz when the turntable is disconnected from the phono pre.
I didn't notice the problem with other tubed pre's either.
Thanks for any and all input.
I need to get my system updated, but I am still using the Nordost cables. I had Discovery in there before the BAT, but they were worse with the buzz than the Nordost. The buzz changes volume when I just shift the cables around. I have an extra set of tubes that I can try, but this semms really weird.
Morris, very nice system you have there.
I'm not a technical guy, but touching and moving the cables and equipment can affect the RFI. When I had the buzz the same thing happened. I think it is similar to an FM antenna when you move it around. Since this is a common issue, try searching on the Audio Asylum Vinyl Asylum and here to see how others dealt with it. Again, I'm not technical, but my understanding of this is that the cartridge emits a very low level signal which is then amplified much more than a line-level CD/DAC signal. As a result, you are amplifying the RFI garbage as well as the nice tunes going through your Scout. This is also why phono tubes have to be very low noise (and explains why you could hear hum/hiss without the Scout connected). You are pushing the envelop of what I know, but I'm glad to help if I can. Hopefully, others can provide a more nuanced explanation.

Thanks for the compliment. Even with all the technical puzzles, like hum, I've really enjoyed the system.
I've been dealing w/similar issues for over a year, being located near a large radio tower. Most of what's been said above is generally on track. Sometimes all the little nits add up to a big problem, so attack RFI in every way possible.
- As mentioned try cheapo interconnects from a vcr, boombox etc. They sound crappy musically speaking, but most are heavily shielded. If the problem decreases, you know to shop for a good shielded hi-end cable.
- If possible use as much balanced cabling as your gear will allow.
- Since you have a VPI table, you can do what I did; buy a balanced junction box for ~$150 from VPI. It replaces the one on your table, with lemo connector on top and balanced outs on the back instead of the RCAs. This conquered massive RFI in my room!
- experiment with aluminum foil wrapped around cables, especially at connection points on the phono stage & preamp. Do this with music playing, if you hear changes thru speakers while you move the foil around your cables, you'll get an idea where the trouble spots are.
- Physically move your tt, phono stage and preamp if room allows and you are up for exercise.
- borrow a solid state phono stage and see if it eliminates the problem. It usually does, but that always leads to a whole 'nother dilemna.
Good luck,