new loricraft user / solutions questions

I searched on the gon and found the threads on 0 tracking force, rings for the loose thread issue etc, thanks guys for all the helpful hints

now I'm a bit overwhelmed by all the cleaning solutions

I sprang for the $40 kit with all solutions and I have a big bottle of Disc Doctor MRC
I also had a box of new sleeves from Acoustic Sounds (any other good sources for these?)

I noticed I didn't get a bottle of Smart regular in my kit - so I used the Smart Potent on a few thrift store finds
My son even took note and got in on the cleaning, how nice
he couldn't imagine needing a record cleaner and a player
wow dad, that looks like it costs a thousand dollars, I just smiled...

cleaning was fun but I want to hear the end results
I'll set up my table this weekend when I have more time!

should I use the Premier pre soaker or Bugtussel every time or only on problem discs?

would you recommed the smart, le art du son, or disc doctor as the main cleaner?

what order should I apply solutions?

I now prefer to continue brushing the LP just outside of the arm as it moves outwards, continuing the brushing right to the edge of the LP.
Hey! I do that too. For RRL fluids I use the recommended carbon fiber brush (one for each fluid). This disperses the fluid very evenly and forces it down into the grooves. It also minimizes the amount of fluid spraying across the room.
a few weeks experience

I've adopted the premier/bugtussel/dd solution for now

I had a bottle of disc doctor and the french stuff with the kit

comments on amount of fluid

I spray the premier about 5 or six times lightly around the record
and use a disc doctor pad to clean. use the pad again with the vacumn staying just outside the suction boundary
(will too much of this build up static)

bugtussel 5-6 small spritz is enough
then I paint it on with the foam brushes on a motionless platter
too little fluid and it squeeks

Disc Doctor cleaner - I tried spraying it on the record directly but either get too much or uneven banding
so I went to putting it on a disc doctor pad leading edge and then when I vacumn, I use the supplied brush from Loricraft in front of the leading edge

I noticed one record having residue stains - I think this was too much premier in one area

are there other solutions that do as well as premier?

I also like to do 5-6 records both sides in a marathon cleaning - so I can just sit back and listen
so far most lps near dead silence

I use the wood handled white nylon(?) brush that comes with the Loricraft when applying Premier. I start the motor, place the brush edge against the record then spray the Premier across the record from outer edge to inner. The brush disperses the fluid and I hold the brush in place until the Premier evaporates. I believe this technique forces the Premier into the grooves and avoids it being absorbed by a cleaning pad. The nylon(?) brush is firmer than a carbon fiber brush and as best I can tell, leave *no* marks on the record.

Tom - I would be surprised that Premier is leaving any residue. The stain you discovered may have been uncovered by the cleaning process. I have seen brand new records with weird stain marks on them and I consider this a defect.

Bugtussel gets applied exactly as you describe.
