Phono hum

Help! I have a VPI Scout with Dynavector 10x5, Bellari VP129 phono preamp, Anthem TLP1 preamp/tuner and Anthem MCA2 power amp. I have a hum problem I can't get rid of that I didn't have with my Music Hall MMF-5Se turntable. I tried the VPI interconnects (with the integrated ground wire running from the turntable ground to the VP129 ground terminal) and that lessened the hum but it's still there. I also have a loud pop when powering off the Scout motor. The TLP1 has no phono section so I am using the sat/aux input for the turntable. I've run a ground wire from the center screw on the AC outlet to the chassis ground screw on the preamp and that made little if any difference. Any suggestions?
Use a Talisman, Milty Zerostat, etc. You can't listen to the thing humming along!! I/m using Anti-Cables from the Superscout to my Ayre. Not only is there no hum, but it is dead silent. If you turn up the volume and put your ear to the speaker you hear nuttin..
Stringreen, Are you saying that if I just zap it with my Zerostat that will remove the hum???
No Kmulkey, let me clsrify what I meant...these devices get rid of static electricity if your concern is damaging something from the zap therefrom. You have to eliminate the hum via a different means - you cant enjoy your music with the hum unless you're listening to Budist monk music
You need to establish a ground from the TT to the preamp! That is where the cables are grounded to from the TT in the first place. Try connecting a lead from the TT ground to the preamp chassis. If it has a screw somewhere on the chassis un screw it enough to connect the lead from the TT ground terminal. Forget about the Belarri ground. It may lessen it but the ground is indirect. I have a similar problem whenever I add a separate phono stage into my mix. Connecting the phono ground to the aux. phono preamp's ground only partially removes the prob. but connecting the the pramp ground or chassis does the trick. Also, try using a cheater plug on each AC cord, one at a time, after you do the ground wire if it still doesn't go away.
I grounded everything including from the TT to the preamp help. I bought a Cambridge 640p and magically the hum and loud pop have disappeared. I think the VPI's motor is a little too "magnetic" for the Bellari.