Who LOVES their under $ 1000 table combination ?

Okay.....here's the deal. I'm cuerrently driving my Rogue Audio Cronus integrated amp and Vandersteen 1C speakers with an NAD 533 turntable/Rega RB-250 arm/Goldring Elektra cartridge set-up. I was originally toying with the idea of switching to a thick acrylic platter, upgrading the sub-platter, adding shims to change VTA, and replacing the cartridge. .....Then I thought...that's all crazy. I should just buy a whole new set-up. So...what are some recommendations for table/cartridge combo. that will keep me at around $1000.00, sound considerably better than what I have now, and match well with my amp and apeakers ?
Dear Adam18: Try to find a Technics SP10MK2 ( 400-600dls )or the one of Pauly ( SP15 ), a Lustre Acos tonearm ( 200.00 or similar. ) and any of the MM cartridges that I named here:

Jsadurni please make me a phone call to talk about your Denon poor performance.

Regards and enjoy the music.

About a year and a half ago, I purchased a Goldring GR 1.2 turntable from Audio Advisor for $299.95 delivered to my door. This table is nothing more or less than a Rega P 2 on a different plinth. Came with the Rega RB 250 tonearm and included a Goldring Electra phono cartridge. Only upgrade to this has been the Rega glass platter that I had from years gone by, as well as a Herbie mat from sometime ago. So no additional cost there.

This has been my daily driver and averages about 30 hours per week in use. Zero problems with it. It replaced a Rega P 3 which was tweaked out with most all of the aftermarket accessories such as acrylic platter,deep groove sub platter, Michell tonearm counter weight, etc.

This was to be an interim unit as I decided what table next. Well some 18 months later I continue to use the Goldring and have found out for its paltry price is a stellar performer at its price/performance ratio. I know of nothing at the $299.95 delivered price that can compete with it.

At the very least now I can move up to another table and transfer the Rega arm to the next table. Such as a VPI Scout without tonearm. The Rega RB 250 tone arm will accomodate a wide variety of phono cartridges, so whatever I choose compatability will not be a issue.

Like the Rega P2 the Goldring GR 1.2 beauty is in its simplicity, low maintenace and arguably one of the finest tone arms ever produced. Value and performance does not have to break the bank.

4-02-08: Ferrari
About a year and a half ago, I purchased a Goldring GR 1.2 turntable from Audio Advisor for $299.95 delivered to my door. This table is nothing more or less than a Rega P 2 on a different plinth. Came with the Rega RB 250 tonearm and included a Goldring Electra phono cartridge. Only upgrade to this has been the Rega glass platter that I had from years gone by, as well as a Herbie mat from sometime ago.
So it's a real RB250, and therefore upgradeable via the Michell or Origin Live routes? Have you thought about getting the metal stub and denser counterweight for the tonearm--either the Michell or Origin Live?

I ask because a a friend bought one of these on my recommendation and I'd like to recommend cost-effective tweaks to this 'table as he gets the urge to extract more music from the grooves.