Hassel,great input,from you.Thanks.
Also,on the same TNT site(just recently)there is a very compelling piece about the Audiomecca table and arm!I am particularly interested in the tonearm,as the writer(not a formal review,due to conflict of interest reasons)makes a very compelling case for it(very few parts,some of which can be taken off for superior sound,and a stunning,one piece arm-tube).Also,a unipivot,that has NO damping fluid to fotz around with!!!SERIOUS design,as far as the little I can make of it!!!
I DO wish some of the vinyl experts,like Nsgarsh and others could take a look at this,and chime in!
Also,on the same TNT site(just recently)there is a very compelling piece about the Audiomecca table and arm!I am particularly interested in the tonearm,as the writer(not a formal review,due to conflict of interest reasons)makes a very compelling case for it(very few parts,some of which can be taken off for superior sound,and a stunning,one piece arm-tube).Also,a unipivot,that has NO damping fluid to fotz around with!!!SERIOUS design,as far as the little I can make of it!!!
I DO wish some of the vinyl experts,like Nsgarsh and others could take a look at this,and chime in!