Dynavector XV1s loading & phono


For those of you that have owned the XV1s, just curious as to what phono stage you are using with yours (or have used) and what loading you are putting on it to make it sound great!

I have got a XV1s at the moment, but with the Cary PH301mkII tube phono stage, have never got it to sound great. I was using the XV1s on LP12/Valhalla/Ittok II/rignmat anniversary. The default loading for MC on the Cary is 680 ohms. I modified it to make it about 150 ohms which did make a substatial improvment, however, sound was still very dull, undynamic, muffled, very unexciting.

I have heard the TeKaitorua (next model down) on a Oracle/smeIv setup going thorough a very modest solidstage phono/integrated setup and that gave extraordinary results! Likewise with the Lyra Titan, used through a solid stage Lyra Connosieur phono stage was absolutely amazing. Some people have replaced their Titan's with the XV1s! I don't think I'm hearing anything close to what the XV1s is capable of at all.

I think it is something with my front end analogue setup as my CD playback sounds spectacular, WAY better than the XV1s/Cary combo in every way. Since I have blamed the Cary for the poor match with the XV1s, I have since replaced the unit with the Kondo M7 phono - but as this is just a standard phono stage, I have had to revert back to my very modest MM Linn K18II cartridge. The Linn/Kondo setup is better than the XV1s/Cary in every respect - probably equal to that of CD playback in my system. To use the XV1s with the M7, will require step up transformers.

Question is:
1) What sort of loading are you guys out there using with the XV1s and on what phono? Tube or solidstate?
2) Is my deck/arm/PS combo the main cause of the poor sound from the vinyl?
3) What stepup transformers would one recommmend to match with the M7 - there is obviously the Kondo SFz ... any other worthy contenders?

Thanks a lot for all you guys help.


You never fail to inject a voice of reason and perspective into any dialog you enter.

Thank you!
Thom @ Galibier

I have both a Linn/naim ARO/lingo and a VPI HRX. The HRX is better in every way to the Linn except for maybe some sweetness in the top end, as the HRX is more extended and that gives you the good and the bad.
The Linn is a luvely sounding TT, however you may want to upgrade the arm and definately the valhalla to a lingo or armageddon - whatever takes your fancy.
I believe that will get you closer in peformance to what you are expecting and it will support the XV-1 better as well.

You say you load the XV-1 at 1.87 gms.

Is that VTF when playing a 120gm or 200 gm record. As you know there will be a bit of a difference between the two.

Or do you take a medium like 150gm record??

I agree that tracking at 2.5gms to me does not sound better.

I have tracked at around 2 to 2.05 for some time, but may try a little lower, hence my question.

cheers Shane
Sir Speedy, Thom, thanks. IMO, an audiophile/music-lover is entitled to listen to anything that they like. But I also think that they should understand what they really have, both the cons/difficulties as well as the pros. In real life as well as on these forums, all too frequently I am left with the impression that a major reason why the audiophile is upgrading is because they are unable to extract the full performance of what they already own (or didn't put enough consideration into choosing the component to begin with). Greater understanding is the key to making better choices as well as extracting more performance, and if I can contribute to these goals, I will gladly post more (spare time permitting).

best, jonathan carr
Hi Shane,

Even with good cartridges like the XV-1s, Lyras, etc., I tend to set VTA as a "compromise" over a range of records and then forget it for the most part after that. There are times when I'll twiddle with it when something sounds off, because it's so easy to do with a Triplanar or a Schröder, but I only do it as a response to it sounding in need of change.

VTA isn't It's the front of my attention on a record by record basis. This comes more as a personal response than a technical one. I try to deal with my system in all respects so that I can focus on music. Once I get to pulling out all of the "tools", I find myself getting into left-brain mode, and any subtle technical improvements are negated by the analytical focus a shift into. As usual, YMMV, and I sometimes violate my own "rule" too (grin).

As far as tracking force is concerned, I believe I noted in my earlier post that this related to experiences with my turntables, which are unsuspended. I should have made this point a bit more clear.

With the additional resonant variable at play with a Linn (suspension), I'd consider the entire range of tracking force (1.8 to 2.2) to be fair game, although I'd guess that you wouldn't find yourself much above 2.0 g. With the VPI combo (unsuspended, but with an arm having a lower effective mass than Triplanar and my Schröder), you're likely correct in finding yourself more in the 2.0 range too.

My main point for the original poster (remember him?), was to play with tracking force, to observe the results (especially in terms of dynamics and perceived pace), and by ALL means to avoid the temptation to dial the force up the 2.5 grams.

My apologies to all if a double post appears. When keying directly into the web form, the 'ö' in Schröder (using a key sequence of alt-1 alt-4 alt-8 on a US keyboard), the page refreshed).

Thom @ Galibier