Hi Shane,
Even with good cartridges like the XV-1s, Lyras, etc., I tend to set VTA as a "compromise" over a range of records and then forget it for the most part after that. There are times when I'll twiddle with it when something sounds off, because it's so easy to do with a Triplanar or a Schröder, but I only do it as a response to it sounding in need of change.
VTA isn't It's the front of my attention on a record by record basis. This comes more as a personal response than a technical one. I try to deal with my system in all respects so that I can focus on music. Once I get to pulling out all of the "tools", I find myself getting into left-brain mode, and any subtle technical improvements are negated by the analytical focus a shift into. As usual, YMMV, and I sometimes violate my own "rule" too (grin).
As far as tracking force is concerned, I believe I noted in my earlier post that this related to experiences with my turntables, which are unsuspended. I should have made this point a bit more clear.
With the additional resonant variable at play with a Linn (suspension), I'd consider the entire range of tracking force (1.8 to 2.2) to be fair game, although I'd guess that you wouldn't find yourself much above 2.0 g. With the VPI combo (unsuspended, but with an arm having a lower effective mass than Triplanar and my Schröder), you're likely correct in finding yourself more in the 2.0 range too.
My main point for the original poster (remember him?), was to play with tracking force, to observe the results (especially in terms of dynamics and perceived pace), and by ALL means to avoid the temptation to dial the force up the 2.5 grams.
My apologies to all if a double post appears. When keying directly into the web form, the 'ö' in Schröder (using a key sequence of alt-1 alt-4 alt-8 on a US keyboard), the page refreshed).
Thom @ Galibier