Any comments about Antiskate force and what to set that to? To me, the last time I put the XV1s on the LP12, with the antiskate dialed up max, was still pulling into the record center hard. Or is this a sign that the cart is not set up properly. I have the cardas sweep frequency record if that can help get things better.
Maximum antiskate? Aha! We may well have found part of your problem. Excess antiskate sounds exactly like excess VTF - dull, boring, slow and muddy.
I'm not sure what you mean that the arm, "was still pulling into the center hard", unless you're using a blank (ungrooved) record to set AS. If so, I'd suggest you forget that method immediately, since it bears no relation to actual playing conditions.
The Cardas record will not help with AS. Nor is any other test record needed, and the ones that claim to help with AS tend to do more harm than good.
To set AS, start with it as close to "zero" as the arm allows. Now optimize VTF, so that you have a nice balance between speed/finesse and heft/weight, as discussed above. Now put on a very dynamic LP and listen for R channel mistracking/fuzziness. Increase AS in tiny increments until the R channel plays cleanly. That's all you need. Any more will overpressure the cantilever/suspension, and that dulls the sound.
Good luck,