Magic Diamond vs Airtight PC1?

In my quest for a new cartridge I seem to be narrowing my choice down to a Magic Diamond vs Airtight PC1. I have not been able to hear either of these so I am looking for any insight anyone can provide. I will be using the cartridge on a VPI TNT IV with an Eminent Technology 2.4 tone arm with the high pressure manifold. I am running dual mono with two Krell KPA Phono preamps. Thank you for any input.
I now have two identical Air Tight cartridges. One my Technics SP10 - SME 312S combo and another on my Walker Proscenium Black Diamond.

The Air Tight on the Walker was only installed a few days ago and not fully broken in. There is perhaps 20 hours on it and unfortunately it's not getting played much because of family activity and Christmas.

So far the loading works for me 240 ohms and tracking about 2.05 with VTA pretty much level. I plan on experimenting more as hours accumulate but it's a fabulous cartridge.

How is your's doing Hemisferik?
I am loading at resister position 6 on the IO, I think that is same as you 240 ohms, (I have lost my user manual) tracking @ 1.95, vta is level. I agree fantastic cartridge.
I completely missed this thread as $2500 cartridges are not my thing but just read up on this cartridge over at the vinyl asylum.

Has anyone here compared the Zu 103 at $399 to the Magic Diamond? Seems to me that would be a very interesting comparison as they appear to me to be pretty much the same thing. Or you can slot your 103 or 103R into a custom wood body by Uwe and quite probably save yourself about $2K that way as well.

Seriously, anyone considering this cartridge should take a look at some of the photos of nuded 103's and 103R's at the vinyl asylum before buying one of these.
Hdm, I agree. It is apparent that the Magikdiamond is in fact a modded 103, which probably sounds very nice. But beware of guys like Raul who adamantly tell you otherwise. Beware the big mouth.

It looks like the MagicDiamond is executed very nicely and with all that weight and damping it must close the book on resolve and focus. It looks like the Zu does the same thing. I have done the same thing only with a Uwe wood body.

Anyone can do it, all you need is a 103 to start with.

Is it true the MD uses a spherical stylus? I read an article somewhere on its very eccentric designer (who also designs some very unusual amp) and just wondered if anyone has more background on him?